
Winter time

Time to stove everything away for the winter, cant do any spray painting outside between the snow storms and the polar bears. And the ol' Mrs. will mutilate me if I start using the kitchen, so it's all droped safely in a box, waiting for warmer times.

I am considering a little winter project though....

Here's a picture of the torso taken when the paint is still wet. And I like it!
I got kind of an Irobot shine to it. Not that I've seen the movie..
I was wondering what to do with the eyes and detailes, since I've managed to get all the lamps to blink again, but right now it looks like I'll have to go with straight white, cause it looks good.
I think this will look really good after a couple of coats af clear high closs paint on top.

Got head?

The lamps flashing away in the skull and breast of the robot are glued into place, so I had to improvise to get the wires out of the way when painting.

More destruction

After the second coat of paint on the legs, it's time to break down the rest of the robot. Both arms had wires and LEDs in them, but by taking pictures I'm confident that reassembly will be possible.
The real problem is that all the wires were soldered to the circuit board, and I couldn't find my soldering iron, so hopefully I didn't break any connections when I ripped the wires from the board.


Here's the left leg laying in the sun drying up (and attracting dust and small insects) after its second coat of paint

Grind It

Sanding is important. You dont have to remove all the old color, but it's important to sand all surfaces to make sure the new coat of paint sticks.
Use a really fine paper between each coat of paint, and clean thouroghly with alcohol.